“A white cube at the heart of a glass one,
floating above running water.
A room without entrance or exit,
an unexpected space for hanging art”
Ron Gilad
A space within an existing space, unexpected and floating on a few centimetres of water. A square volume that landed in the centre of the structure that becomes an art gallery.
There are twenty photographic works on display, with just as many Molteni&C products featured, created by Paola De Pietri (2007), Francesco Jodice (2008), Antonio Biasiucci (2009), Olimpia&Miro Zagnoli (2010), Alessandra Spranzi (2011), Barbara Probst (2012), Davide Pizzigoni (2013), Botto&Bruno (2014), Mario Carrieri (2015), Olivo Barbieri (2016).
Molteni Compound
Via Rossini 50
20833 Giussano (MB)
Mon – Fri, 10.00 – 16.00
By appointment: museum@molteni.it