10 | How do you perceive New York? What is like to live here and what is your relationship with this city?
Living in NY can very difficult or it can be easy, depending how resourceful you are. It really challenges you as a person; so, in that sense, you need to be creative and have a pretty strong exterior to be here, you need to be able to withstand a lot. NY tells you whether you belong here or not quite quickly, even when you’re just visiting. Nonetheless, for me living in New York is a blessing. I am already living one of my dreams because when I was growing up in Kathmandu I was always looking out, thinking, “One day I'm going to be living in a city where the entire world lives“. And now I’m living in one of the most culturally rich places in the world, American in most ways, but yet very international. A city which, in someway, has made me a better and fuller person. The only thing I wish is that it wasn’t as expensive as it is.